A short lived perennial usually 10 to 60 cm high, and sometimes up to 1 m, with sky blue flowers in spring and summer, followed by seed pods with numerous edible seeds
Widespread in woodland and forest, and margins of acid swamps; but not common
Native Flax is both drought and frost resistant
Suitable for cottage gardens, rockeries and planting under established trees It will self seed readily in ideal conditions
Can be grown in most soil types in sun or part shade, tolerates frost and dry spells The plant tends to die back in late summer, and reshoot Sometimes mistaken for Wahlenbergia, as they looks similar
Bush Food: Edible seeds Raw or cooked The oily, yellowish seeds can be collected in summer and autumn; they are similar to linseed with a nutty flavour
Other uses: Like commercial flax, the stem of native flax produces useful fibres as well, fibre from the flax was used by Traditional owners to make cord and fish nets
Germination: Seed retains viability for a number of years Germination Time 3 4 weeks at 20c Suitable for Direct Seeding
Suspected of being poisonous to stock, but there are no instances of poisoning in the field nor recorded in literature
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