
TREE VIOLET Melicytus dentatus Seeds

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SKU: Gjmjo-29527 Categories: ,

Melicytus dentatus Tree Violet is an ideal bush tucker plant, boasting a high germination rate and strong resistance to disease This fast growing plant thrives in most climates and is a great addition to any garden

Melicytus dentatus, the tree violet, is a shrub that is native to south east Australia It grows up to 4 metres high and has branchlets that are often armed with spines and have leaves that are 5 to 50 mm long and sometimes toothed

Commonly growing beside streams, often amongst rocks, particularly common in basalt areas

Flowers: In spring hundreds of pale cream bell shaped flowers release a beautiful perfume attracting small nectar feeding birds and butterflies Flowers are followed by pale grey mauve succulent berries much favoured by fruit eaters such as lizards, Rosellas and Currawongs

Tree Violet is regarded as a species that produces foliage of low flammability In wild fires of average severity it is often not killed Individual plants can resprout if above ground parts are killed

Grow in a sunny or lightly shaded position in moist soil Grow several as an attractive hedge and effective security screen

Bush Tucker: Tasty purple berries

Germination: Soak seeds for 12 to 24 hours to break dormancy, germination will take from 3 to 5 months in a shaded open area

Seed amount



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