Melaleuca thymifolia is an evergreen shrub that can grow up to 1 00 metres tall
It is harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine and source of materials
Range Australia New South Wales, Queensland
Requires a fertile, well drained moisture retentive lime free soil in full sun Prefers a soil that does not contain much nitrogen
Good for screening and hedging, native gardens, wildlife gardens
It is long lived and recovers well from drought and other setbacks
The plant has delicate reddish young stems and blue green foliage, both spicily aromatic when bruised
Flower are rich mauve in spring and summer and bluish purple in early winter, flowers often open eight months of the year, freely around late November and then slowly till autumn when another flush occurs
Bush tucker: The flowers of Melaleuca varieties produce sweet nectar and you can suck the nectar out, or soak the flowers in water to make a sweet drink
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