
‘KURAWAN’ SPINY HEADED MAT RUSH Lomandra longifolia Seeds

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SKU: Gjmjo-29256 Categories: ,

A native perennial, rhizomatous herb found throughout eastern Australia It can grow in a range of sandy soils, in swamps and wet zones to the montane zone on banks of creeks, rocky hillsides, cliffs and open forests

The leaves are 40cm to 80cm long grows in a variety of soil types, frost, heat and drought tolerant Tolerates salt laden coastal winds

Flowering in early spring to early summer and fruiting in Summer

One of the best river or creek bank stabilisers available, it is also of a high wildlife value as a shelter for ground fauna and for nectar

Bush Tucker: Edible starch in the leaf bases, raw or cooked, edible flowers with a taste like fresh green peas The seed was pounded and made into flour or eaten whole and mixed with native honey

Bush medicine: The roots of the mat rush were crushed to relieve the pain of bites from hairy grubs and ants The strappy leaves were wrapped tightly around the injured limb to ease the pain

Other uses: The tough leaves were used by Aborigines for fine baskets, mats and eel traps

Germination: Germinates in 8 10 weeks at 25c with no pre treatment required

Seed amount



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