
SHORT LEAF MALLEE HONEY MYRTLE Melaleuca brevifolia Seeds

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SKU: Gjmjo-29507 Categories: ,

Melaleuca brevifolia is a shrub, rarely a tree, growing to a height of 4 m 10 ft with rough, corky bark

White or cream flowers are arranged in spike like inflorescences usually on older wood Flowering occurs in spring and summer Blooms are very showy

It is a moderately hardy garden plant requiring good drainage and a sunny position It is useful for harsh conditions, including salty soils or those containing limestone

This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds flowers are fragrant

Bush food: Sweet drinks made from the nectar Honey production

Germination: The seed of melaleuca species is usually quite easy by normal seed raising methods No special pretreatment is needed Germination should occur in 14 to 30 days, depending on the species

A common method used for germination of melaleuca and related plants is the Bog method where the pot containing the seeds is placed into a saucer of water until germination occurs This results in moisture reaching the seeds by capillary action and ensures that the seeds do not dry out

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