brings you Retro Vibez, an all new Omnisphere 2 preset bank hosting some of the best sounds in the industry These eclectic presets will bring your production to the next level and enhance your talent This bank contains sound designs that were molded from scratch and have never been heard before No fillers in this pack All straight fire
What you get with this preset bank:
20 All new Omnisphere presets
- All sounds were carefully designed to fit today’s industry standard
- Instruments contained within are in the style of Keys, Bells amp; more
Listen to a preview:
See this preset bank in action:
coming soon
Required: Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2 5 VST/AU Mac or Windows
Installation instructions Mac or Windows
- Extract the zip folder to the desired location
- While Omnisphere is open, click the utility button
- Click on install omnisphere
- Browse to Retro VIbez Omnisphere Bank omnisphere and select it
Are these sounds royalty free updated March 11th, 2018
- Major Label Placements: If you place a beat/song on a major label using any of our sample s , loop or midi packs drum samples amp; preset packs excluded , a fair publishing split with CJ Beatz is required, in addition to a production or co production credit which should be labeled as Produced by CJ Beatz or Co Produced by CJ Beatz or other producer credits if the samples, loops or midi packs were co produced Please contact cjbeatz gmail com for further details
- Non Major/Indie Label Placements: If you place a beat/song on a non major/indie label using any of our sample, loop or midi packs no production credit or publishing splits are required
- Sample Clearances: Don’t worry about sample clearances if you use any of our packs, all sample, loop or midi packs at freakquincy com are all original productions
- If you are still uncertain about your situation, you can always use the contact us form to ask questions
What if I’m not satisfied with the order
- Send us a message using the ‘contact us’ button and we’ll swap out any other product of equal or lesser value on the site
How will I receive the sounds I purchased
- You’ll be provided with a download link right after purchase In addition, we send you a confirmation email with your download link so you can download it later if you want
What can I use to purchase your sounds
- You can pay with any major credit/debit card and or PayPal account via our PayPal express checkout
Do you provide support for your products
- Yes, you can send us a support email 24/7 using the ‘contact us’ button on the bottom right of the page We will be sure to get back to you within 24 hrs
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