Known by its common name of climbing saltbush or nodding saltbush, is a climbing groundcover native to Australia
E nutans occurs in all states and territories It grows on a wide range of soil types and in most vegetation It is usually found growing along the ground, often around tree trunks, or on low shrubs, fences, or supported by tree trunks in a variety of soils and conditions
E nutans flowers mostly in summer C autumn, but some flowering occurs throughout the year The small succulent berry like fruit becomes red and soft when ripe
Plants form a blanket on the surface, climbing over logs and up trees to a height of around 1 metre
The small leaves are semi succulent, and have a distinctive arrowhead shape
Bush Tucker: Edible leaves and fruits
Young leaves cooked A salty and slightly bitter flavour Fruit raw or cooked
Germination: Seed germinates in 1 4 weeks, has high viability and doesn t require treatment, It is suitable for direct seeding
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