Small perennial grass like herb with soft green leaves, a member of a genus of rhizomatous perennial herbs with tuberous roots
Violet flowers with a delightful chocolate aroma in late spring to early summer The flowers have fringed petals and are hermaphroditic contain both male and female parts
Height: 0 6 0 8m
Width: 0 1 0 2m
Growing in a range of soil types, the species is usually associated with woodland and grassland vegetation types in the south east and south west regions of Australia
Attracts butterflies and native bees
Bush Food: Edible Tubers, can be roasted Flowers are also edible
Germination: Stratification can be carried out in order to prepare the seeds for germination, involving storing the seed in the fridge for 2 C 4 weeks in order to replicate the natural winter process Due to their rhizomatous nature, mature plants can be divided
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