Acacia aneura, commonly known as mulga or true mulga, is a shrub or small tree native to arid outback areas of Australia
This Acacia has a variable habit and can grow as a shrub in more arid conditions or a small tree with more water available
Evergreen Tree growing to 15 m
A profuse flowering plant with rod like flower heads and provides light shade, flowering and fruiting is most likely determined by the timing and intensity of rainfall events Plants can flower from March to May following summer rains and also in June and July following winter rains
Great plant for dry areas as it is drought resistant, and also tolerant of frosts It needs a medium to light well drained soil and is tolerant to lime Grows best in full sun, although can grow in part sun
The roots of this plant fix nitrogen gas from the air in soil which is used by the roots as a source of nitrogen and helps deal with the poor soils in its natural growing environment
Bush food: The seeds are edible once cooked, dried and ground, and are then traditionally made into seed cakes Roasted and ground with water to make an edible paste, which is very nutritious being high in both protein and fat
The pale gum from the branches of Mulga trees can also be eaten, and is regarded as a delicacy
It also produces a vegetative fruit called the mulga apple, a marble shaped wasp gall, with small lumps on the outside, and is edible The small white grub in the centre of the gall is regarded as the sweetest part
Red Mulga Lerp are small insects on the outer branches of Mulga trees They exude a honey dew to protect themselves from animals This honeydew is very sweet, and can be sucked straight off the branch, or the whole thing can be soaked in water as a sweet drink
Other uses: The wood can be used for making digging sticks, boomerangs, containers, and other wooden tools Ash from burning Mulga twigs can be mixed with Native Tobacco to make a chewing tobacco Mulga leaves can also be used as a good mat for placing food
Honey ants also build their nests beneath these trees Growing on the branches of Mulga can be found Mistletoe, another bush tucker plant
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