Due to the global electronics parts shortage, some components required to assemble this product are either unavailable or have risen significantly in price When existing stock runs out we can’t assemble any more
We will resume production the moment that parts become available again In the meantime, we can’t guarantee any future supply after existing stock runs out
Two tastes that taste great together: Arduino and Ethernet But until now the only way to connect an Arduino to the Internet via a LAN was to add an Ethernet Shield Wouldn’t it be great if there was an Arduino compatible board with on board Ethernet Better still, what if that board was based on the and the with Power over Ethernet support but merged together into a single, integrated board that was 100 Arduino compatible and network enabled
This is what you’ve been waiting for
The EtherTen is a 100 Arduino compatible board that can talk to the world Do Twitter updates automatically, serve web pages, connect to web services, display sensor data online, and control devices using a web browser The Freetronics EtherTen uses the same ATmega328P as the Uno and the same Wiznet W5100 chip used by the official Arduino Ethernet Shield, so it’s 100 compatible with the Ethernet library and sketches Any project you would previously have built with an Arduino and an Ethernet shield stacked together, you can now do all in a single, integrated board
We’ve even added a micro SD card slot so you can store web content on the card, or log data to it
All the good things about the Eleven and the Ethernet Shield have been combined into this one device so please see those pages for all the specific details, but the highlights include:
- Fully compatible with standard Ethernet library and standard Arduino IDE
- Ethernet activity indicators on the PCB and the jack
- 10/100base T auto selection
- Optional Power over Ethernet support, both with , , or full
- Top spec ATmega328P MCU
- Micro USB connector: no more shorts against shields from the USB jack
Please note that the Ethernet Jack can touch some wide shields These can be raised up with and we also have the which can sit beside it - D13 pin isolated with a MOSFET so you can use it as an input
- Reset management chip prevents brown outs or other reset problems
- Fixed SPI behavior on Ethernet chipset
- Robust power filtering
- High quality gold plated PCB, clear part markings
- Beautiful rounded corners
Note that just like our , the EtherTen provides a number of options for different Power over Ethernet You can use the supplied jumpers and for the simple DIY version, or you can fit our and feed a bit more voltage down the wire, or you can use our along with a proper commercial PoE injector or switch It’s up to you
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