The freestanding rigs are ideal complete solutions The stable designs this rig provide the basis for just about anything that the intensive CROSSTRAINING workout needs
The 80x80mm profile steel stands ensure a particularly good stiffness, which offers immense advantages in group workouts reduced swinging of the tower
The tower is finished with extremely strong stainless steel screws Fastening elements for the floor are included
A resonable hole spacing distance on the outside of each stand round off the standard applications All core elements of the rigs are equipped with 80x80mm profile steel stands
Basic Rig C we have considered the most important elements for functional movement, slingtraining and strength 1 squat bench stations, 2 pull up stations, ropes or snares can be included in the training on the rig
With its clear design, the Rig offers everything needed for functional training and modern strength training The basic edition also covers all basic exercises for the functional movement C deadlifts C back front squat C benchpress
Size L/W/H : 590 x 138 x 261 mm
Weight: 355 Kg
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