Due to the global electronics parts shortage, some components required to assemble this product are either unavailable or have risen significantly in price When existing stock runs out we can’t assemble any more
We will resume production the moment that parts become available again In the meantime, we can’t guarantee any future supply after existing stock runs out
Which way is up
This tiny 3 axis accelerometer module can operate in either +/ 1 5g or +/ 6g ranges, giving your project the ability to tell which way is up Ideal for robotics projects, tilt sensors, vehicle dataloggers, and whatever else you can dream up
It has independent X, Y, and Z axis outputs ready to connect directly to analog inputs on an Arduino, and we’ve included an onboard 3 3V regulator so that you can run it from either 5V or 3 3V It even has a zero g output to detect when the device is in free fall, so you could connect that to an interrupt pin on an Arduino to have your project react immediately if it’s dropped
Very cool
The module includes mounting holes suitable for M3 or 1/8 bolts, and a flat rear face so you can easily glue it to any surface
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