Whether you’re an avid gardener, a nature lover, or someone seeking to add a touch of Australian charm to your landscape, Xanthorrhoea fulva seeds are a perfect choice Create a focal point in your garden, adorn your outdoor spaces with their unique presence, and embrace the beauty and cultural significance of the Australian Grass Tree
The Wallum Grass Tree is a trunkless, tufting plant that, in its natural habitat, grows in periodically waterlogged sites on sand in coastal areas this plant has a restricted distribution, occurring only on the coast from Central NSW to S E QLD
Flowers are creamy white and clustered along a spike up to 60 cm long, many honeyeaters and invertebrates feed on their abundant nectar
Bush Food: To Aborigines the grass tree was an exceptionally useful plant The flower is laden with sweet nectar and can be sucked or soaked in water to produce a sweet drink The resin was used as a glue and the wooden flower stalks were made into fire sticks or spears
Germination: Sow in warm areas anytime In frost prone areas when danger of frost is over Xanthorrhoea will sprout in regular potting soil Place the seed and 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch below the surface and cover with a thin layer of sand Water with a fine mist spray to avoid disturbance of the seed Place in a warm shaded or semi shaded position to avoid drying out
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