
PRICKLY TEA TREE Leptospermum continentale Seeds

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SKU: Gjmjo-29481 Categories: ,

A variable shrub to 2 m high, sometimes taller, by 2 m across The white or rarely pale pink flowers are 1 cm in diameter and seen from late spring to early summer

Prickly tea tree occurs from Mudgee in central eastern New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory to the southern half of Victoria and south eastern South Australia It is widespread in heath and woodland in well drained sandy soil but also in swampy places

It is a hardy shrub, tolerating most soils and aspects

Suitable for poorly drained areas
Frost hardy Plants given an this rating will tolerate frosts to 7 C in conditions of normal rainfall
Suitable hedge or screen plants

Bush Tucker Uses: Honeybees gather the nectar from its flowers Aromatic leaves were used for medicine; the stems of tall species were used for spears

Germination: Sow light scattering of seed and cover lightly Germinates in 2 5, Late Spring Summer Optimal germination temperature 18 25 C

Seed retains viability for several years stored at room temperature

Tea trees are particularly important for the survival of our native bush bees

Seed amount



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