Native Wheat grass scientific name Anthosachne scabra, formerly Elymus scaber is an all year green perennial grass with a tussocky habit
It grows from 30 to 100 cm high and flowers from late spring to summer The seedheads are quite long up to 1 5 m and can become lax and fall over The plant remains green throughout the summer as long as there is some soil moisture
Native Wheat grass is found in all Australian states except the Northern Territory and is more common in districts with cool winters
Wildlife Value: A food source for many butterflies
Bush Food: Native wheat grass was a major ancient food source with the small grain cultivated, harvested, ground, and cooked as a type of bread
Germination: Preferred depth for sowing is around 10 mm in autumn to winter With moist conditions, the seed takes from seven to ten days to germinate The seedlings are hairy and bluish in colour
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