
NATIVE THYME GREY EVERLASTING Ozothamnus obcordatus Seeds

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SKU: Gjmjo-29471 Categories: ,

Also known as Grey Everlasting, Ozothamnus obcordatus is native to the states of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania Widespread in dryish open forest and woodland, often on shallow rocky soils, particularly abundant in auriferous areas

A small shrub to 1 5m tall with dark grey/green foliage Grows in dry open forest Flowers Spring and Summer

  • has small oval leaves that are glossy green above and grey beneath
  • it has clusters of small yellow button flowers
  • the flowers turn grey as they mature and hence grey everlasting

The species is regarded as having potential in commercial cut flower production

This species has 2 somewhat distinct variants previously recognized as subspecies but here combined in a single variable species The smaller leaved variant corresponding to subsp obcordatus is largely confined in Victoria to mallee areas north and west of Melbourne, whereas larger leaved plants var major are mostly in the east of the State, with outlying populations in and near the Grampians

Bust Food: When the leaves are dried, their taste resembles that of thyme, used as seasoning

Other uses: The species is regarded as having potential in commercial cut flower production

Germination: Usually occurs within 2 4 weeks, best sown late Spring Summer Surface sow, cover lightly with gravel Smoke treatment may improve results

Seed amount



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