- Tchimmi dillen: Used by Indigenous Australians in Queensland
- Palatt or Ballot: Used by Indigenous Australians in Lake Condah, Victoria
- Ballee: Used by Indigenous Australians in Yarra
- Coo yie: Used by Indigenous Australians in Queensland
The Native Cherry is a member of the sandalwood family and is native to Australia It can be found in eastern Australia, Tasmania, and the south eastern corner of South Australia
A Dense shrub or tree to 8 m high with larger spreading or erect, scabrous branches, with tiny yellow green flowers Flowering between October to May
The edible fruit isn t actually a true fruit: it s a swollen stem It s reported to have the highest sugar level of any native fruit in the forests of southern Victoria
Bush food: Fruit raw or cooked
Bush medicine: Sap for snakebites
Other uses: Wood for spear throwers
Europeans: Used the wood to make furniture, tool handles, and gun stocks Christmas trees: European settlers chopped them down for Christmas trees because of their conifer like appearance
Germination: Cherry ballart Exocarpos cupressiformis seeds can be difficult to germinate, but here are some tips that may help
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