Atriplex semibaccata, commonly known as Australian saltbush, berry saltbush, or creeping saltbush, is a species of flowering plant in the family Amaranthaceae and is endemic to Australia
A spreading, groundcover up to 0 1 C 0 5m high and 1 8m wide
Leaves are grey green in colour
Flowers most of the year The female flowers develop into succulent square/diamond shaped red berries
Grows on a variety of fresh to slightly saline soils
Slightly waterlogging and salt tolerant and very drought tolerant
It has dense foliage that covers the ground, acting as a green mulch that provides protection for both the soil and fauna
The seeds are an important food source of insects, birds and small marsupials
Bush Tucker: The plant bears red berries which are edible and can also be used for making jam
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