Clematis microphylla, Noongar Name: Taaruk is one of 8 Clematis species native to Australia Clematis microphylla is found in dry and wet forests of Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas, SA, It does not occur in WA, as Clematis linearifolia
It is a common, quick growing, small leaved climbing species which prefers full sun and good drainage It is very frost tolerant
Clematis microphylla flowers from July to December Male and female flowers develop on different plants, female plants develop fluffy, cottonwool like fruits
A woody climbing shrub to about 3 m high, often found scrambling over other vegetation or rocky outcrops
Bush Tucker: Roots, peppery when raw, cooking and kneading them into a dough The taproot can be eaten roasted
Bush medicine: Leaves crushed and inhaled to treat headaches
Germination: It is a suitable species for direct seeding, C microphylla seed takes at least 8 weeks to germinate, can be speed up by removing the pericarp, by exposing seed to a cycle of wetting and drying before planting
Place seed beneath the soil to 5 mm, cover with layer of soil or fine gravel and keep moist in open sunny position
Sow from springtime, if growing into containers For direct seeding sow from mid winter in the drier regions to spring in the higher rainfall areas
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