Kondrung is a low or erect spreading shrub between 0 1 1 2 m high and to 2 m wide The name Kick Bush comes from early settlers kicking the prostrate bushes over to see if ripe berries were underneath
Astroloma serratifolium can exceed a metre 4 in height, but unless very old seldom exceeds half that height, although it may spread substantially The leaves are sharply pointed with finely serrated edges
The red/pink tubular flowers grow around 1 5 cm in length and may attract honeyeaters Like many heaths they can be long flowering
Due to this opportunistic flowering habit, plus occurring in several climate zones, the plant is known to flower at any time of the year
Suitable for light sandy , medium loamy and heavy clay soils And tolerates acid, neutral and basic alkaline soils It can grow in semi shade found often in light woodland or no shade It prefers moist soil
Bush food:
Fruit raw or cooked
Prized as bush tucker for its small fleshy berries that are eaten when soft
A slightly tart flavour, it can be eaten raw or used in jams etc
Cultivators are warned to be wary of its sharp serrated leaves when harvesting
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