A long lived, relatively fast growing from the north and north east coast of the country Useful for soil retention and erosion control Its tendency to sucker makes it a good tree to plant along river banks or waterways
The largest of the casuarinas and very good at stabilising river banks Foliage appears from top to bottom making it a good windbreak
Ranging in height from 15 to 35 metres
An important tree as it provides resin, seed cones, seed, wood and habitat for Budyaan Birds , notably the red and yellow tailed black cockatoo
- Soil TextureClay, Loam
- pHAcidic, Alkaline, Neutral
- Tolerates, Drought
Bush Food: The seeds are used for food by crushing them into a paste, grubs found boring in the tree are another source of food
Other uses: Timber makes and excellent firewood as well as a craft wood Indigenous Australians have traditionally used the wood for shields, clubs and boomerangs and to
extract resin
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