Turkesterone is an ecdysteroid, a type of steroid hormone found naturally in insects and some plants and water animals
As its chemical structure is similar to androgens, a Turkesterone supplement is said to share some effects of testosterone, supporting muscle growth, recovery and athletic performance Turkesterone is suitable both when wanting to gain muscle and lose weight
Have the most ‘anabolic’ ecdysteroid that can help you reach your goals naturally
Support lean muscle gain via protein synthesis
Help preserve muscle whilst dieting
Aid power and strength get ready for new PBs
Enjoy superior recovery support to help you reach your body composition goals faster
Aid endurance, so you can train at your peak for longer
Support general health and wellbeing as an adaptogen
No need for PCT Post Cycle Therapy
No stress about testosterone suppression
When combined with Hydroxypropyl Cyclodextrin, Turkesterone becomes more bioavailable, providing superior results for your body
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