The B in n Rug incorporated in traditional Aran Hand Knitting have been handed down from mother to daughter for generations These knitting designs symbolise the daily life of the islanders, their remove surroundings and their religious beliefs Each garment incorporates stitches representing age old Irish traditions and culture
HAND MADE to last a lifetime
Size 42 5 x 60 inch 108 x 152mm
Cable Stitch represents fishing ropes
Plaited Cable Stitch evokes the powerful imagery of the interweaving of family life
Moss Stitches represent the rich and abundant growth of the mossy soil
Diamond Stitches signify the shape of the fishing net mesh, a symbol of wealth and success
Honeycomb Stitches represent the rewards of a good life
Trinity Stitches represent ancient and religious beliefs
Blackberry Stitches have religious and natural connotations
The B in n Rug can be made to measure any room or size
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